How to Make Awesome Things More Awesome

Something I’ve discovered over the past year is that nothing is so cool that it can’t be made cooler.

For instance: here’s the Great Wall.  Pretty awesome, right?

But you know what would make it more awesome?  If China took the Great Wall, and then added a roller coaster.  And they did that:

And here’s the Bahamas.  You know what might be nice in the Bahamas?  How about a yacht?

But these people didn’t stop with a yacht.  For them, that was only the starting point.  They took an already serviceable yacht, and they added a water slide:

Back to China: here’s a chef making noodles.  Pretty entertaining.

That doesn’t actually need to get better.  You get a show, and then you get noodles.  But they’ve made it just a tiny bit more entertaining by using a face-based restaurant safety rating system (the example below comes from a different restaurant than shown above):

Yes, no matter how cool things are, sometimes they surprise you by getting a little bit cooler.

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