Environment and Governance in China

Last week in Beijing, I felt the pollution in my lungs every time I stepped outside.  The pedestrians and bicyclists who passed me often wore medical masks. They aren’t the only ones concerned: on November 16, for example, the China Daily newspaper reported on climate changes that are “inflicting great losses on China’s agricultural production,” […]

Belief Behind Bars photos

Photos from tonight’s event, Belief Behind Bars, about the human rights situation of the Baha’is in Iran: The program.  The event took place on the top floor of the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.  Anthony Vance, Director of the Baha’i Office of External Affairs, moderated. Senator Mark Kirk (IL) discusses bipartisan efforts to […]

Score one for writers

Google’s new algorithm update, which gives a preference to original content in search results, is a blow to content farms and a big win for writers — and readers. Here’s one of my articles, Winning on the Internet: How to Start a Business with No Experience, on a website called Sales Success Magazine, which I’ve […]

